Painting Hope
These are recent thoughts, I am still pondering.
Painting Hope
These are recent thoughts, I am still pondering.
You have probably seen the phrase, “dynamic still life,” around my website a few times. Why do I call the butterfly paintings in Patterns in Flight and the bone joint paintings in Action, Unification dynamic still life?
Perseverance. Rebirth. Vitality. Making new again
There are times when one looks back in time and remembers glimpses of what came before. Visually, one’s eyes are isolated to perceiving what is now, however through images, pieces of time can be superimposed. Time and animation are integral elements in my dynamic still life paintings. During their lives, butterflies are creatures that themselves undergo great change. They start as insects bound to the earth and transform into wonders of flight.
I am posting three new eggshell paintings in series, Morning Promise. Although the majority of the painting was done last fall I have recently added the final layers to three new eggshell paintings. These paintings are similar to the eggshell painting that was posted in November. They create a mini series where I investigated the beauty of contrived patterns of broken shells.
Natural substances, both great and small, reflect similarities that are noticeable upon reflection. The other night as I was studying the texture of the bone in front of me, I pondered upon how the cragginess of the bone was reminiscent of a rocky mountain in a landscape. How the mountain hid a molten center of power and how the bone encases a storehouse of life. The advantages of the bones come in their mobility and the manner in which they relate to each other. They are not static or mounted to the ground.
Sometimes one can find particular compound subjects which inter-relate not only intimately, but also freely and purposefully. One of these cases appears to be the dynamic and interlocking skeletal joints that we find at the core of our physical bodies. This example can perhaps be expanded through reference, in the thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel, to the story of ‘dry bones’ coming to life. Furthermore, one can exceed to the resurrection life that comes from death. Care to visual representation, along with ideas that connect to the work, may awaken this poetry while encouragi...
Humans are bound by time. We are not able to truly revisit and experience the past. Nor can an individual view the past and present simultaneously. If one could see the remnants of the past fade as the present took place, how would this be composed? In response, I have created this imaginary experience with bone joints that are juxtaposed in order to capture action and unification.