Brazen Bleu Butterfly Abstract Painting on HGTV Good Bones

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Brazen Bleu, one of my butterfly abstract oil paintings was chosen to be used in a season 2 episode of the HGTV show Good Bones. Good Bones (you may also see the name “Two Chicks and a Hammer” around the web) is based in Indianapolis, Indiana. A mother and daughter team revitalize distressed homes and sell them.  My painting has appeared in some promotional advertisements for the second season of the show.  The clip is currently (as of June 6, 2017) on the first video of the Featured Video section of the HGTV Good Bones website.

If you are interested in prints, I will try to figure something out. Please sign up for my email newsletter where I will send out an announcement after I get printing set up. Feel free to comment below to, and I will try to follow up when prints are available.


I don’t have cable and hadn’t seen the show – but during the last few weeks the first season has been available online at and I binge watched the first season!  I really enjoyed the show.  Karen and Mina are relatable.  I enjoyed seeing how committed to the Indianapolis community they are and how they use local artists and businesses.  I love the renovations that they did to the houses.  I always enjoy seeing the life that comes into the house -my favorite part of the show is when they reveal the final product.   After seeing the show I feel even more blessed to have them decide to include one of my butterfly paintings in one of their renovations.

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A note about the author

is a visual artist based in Indianapolis. She is drawn to natural, organic objects and portrays them with oil on textured surfaces. Often, she presents her subject in dynamic still life with a shift of time through movement or growth-decay.

47 Comment so far

  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Exactly what I’ve been looking for, for a long time. How can I purchase? KR

  2. - Kimberly Rice 06/16/17
  3. I want to purchase this particular piece of art can you help me with this request?

  4. - Rochelle 06/17/17
  5. I would like to purchase your note cards or a print. It that possible? Thank you for your time and attention.

  6. - Kathleen Smith 06/21/17
  7. I would also like to purchase this piece of art as well.
    Please advise how.

  8. - Virginia Pontrich 06/27/17
  9. Hi Rachael,
    My wife and I were watching “Good Bones” on HGTV and couldn’t help but notice the abstract painting called “Brazen Bleu”. Eileen and I would like to buy a lithograph or poster of the painting.
    I turn 68 on August 1, and this will be my gift from her. She says that I should tell you a little bit about myself.
    Vietnam Vet.,71-72
    Retired from USAA IN 2009.
    Widowed in Dec. 2013 after 23 yrs. Of marriage.
    Remarried in 2016.
    2016 -In remission from Stage 4 mantel cell lymphoma.
    If you read this, then we’ll both know a smidgen about each other.
    Roy and Eileen Pattie

  10. - Roy Pattie 06/30/17
  11. I smile everytime I see your beautiful piece of art. So happy that Hgtv can help get your beautiful work shown to the world. Is this piece still available? I see the 2 people that commented above inquired about purchasing it.

  12. - Suzie 07/08/17
  13. I saw this piece on Good Bones, and love it. Wondered if this can be purchased, and the size, $, and how to find out about it!! Thank you

  14. - Claudia Searcy 07/13/17
  15. My wife loves this piece! How can we purchase one?

  16. - James Wolfanger 07/14/17
  17. I am interested in purchasing Brazen Blue. Can you provide me with information?

  18. - Charlene Hanson 07/17/17
  19. My salon’s theme is butterflies and I would be very interested in purchasing this painting or even a print????? Please correspond :D!

  20. - Sheree Ferrel 07/19/17
  21. Please tell me if your butterfly paintings are available in print…I fell in love after seeing the blue painting on the commercial for Good Bones!!!! Thanks and I hope to hear from you! BTW you are very very talented!

  22. - Kelly Guba 07/23/17
  23. If prints of your work are ever an option, count me in!

  24. - Jessica E 07/24/17
  25. Love this canvas! Stunning colors, would love to buy one!

  26. - Cheri Sullo 07/29/17
  27. Love this piece of art. Can I purchase a print or lithograph?

  28. - Jeanne Evans 07/30/17
  29. So in Love with this teal/ golden butterfly
    Is there more like this available
    How much is this piece.
    Beautiful artwork

  30. - Diana Mattmiller Cadden 08/05/17
  31. The painting is absolutely gorgeous and I would love to buy a reproduction. Is that possible?

  32. - Vanessa 08/08/17
  33. Can the oil painting of the butterfly be purchased?

  34. - Muriel Walker 08/09/17
  35. I am also interested in this painting. How much is it? What are the dimensions? Thanks!

  36. - Sirrie Jackson 08/10/17
  37. Very beautiful. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to find you. Do you have prints of the Bleu Butterfly available?…If so, at.what cost? ..Thank you. Keep painting!!

  38. - Jeanone 08/12/17
  39. Is this painting for sale? How can I purchase this painting?

  40. - Lori Skaar 08/16/17
  41. Love your work – where can I purchase ?

  42. - Kim masone 08/25/17
  43. I love this painting. Copies available? Would love to more

  44. - Candy Bushouse 08/27/17
  45. This painting is perfect for our renovation we are planning, it even would be better in blues and purples. Would be interested if able to purchase something like this, and what is would cost. Thank You!

  46. - Pansy Kolb 08/28/17
  47. Brazen blue butterfly: Are there any reproductions of this print? One similar? I would love to have this artwork for my new mountain home. Love, love, love it!!!!

  48. - Peggy Lambert 08/29/17
  49. I want that painting too! How much?

  50. - Dee Czeszel 08/30/17
  51. Can I get a print of brazen blue? I Love it soooo much but I am not rich.

  52. - Tammy Hoey 09/05/17
  53. Hi, I fell in love with the gold butterfly oil painting from the moment you guys put it on the wall. I would love to have a print and make it the focal point of my tiny place, thanks!

  54. - Gabriele Wolczanski 09/09/17
  55. Love your butterflies – do you have a gallery or studio ? I would like to purchase your art.

  56. - jiliann s 11/09/17
  57. Like everyone else that has commented, this piece of art is just beautiful.
    My husband and I have both fallen in love with it. We would very much like to know how we can get a print.

  58. - Carol & Roy 11/16/17
  59. Are prints available

  60. - Tina Breedlove 12/10/17
  61. Will you have more of these prints

  62. - Leanne Yancey 12/12/17
  63. I would absolutely love to work with you to get this piece of art. Please let me know if it will be available soon. We just bought a new house and this piece would look stunning in our library!

  64. - Kristee Wilson 12/12/17

  66. - RACHEL HARRIS 12/16/17
  67. I just saw this episode and commented to my husband how striking this piece of art is. I definitely would be interested in a print of this gorgeous artwork.

  68. - Sharon Curtis 04/06/18
  69. I’ve been waiting for over a year to find out about the beautiful print if the, I think it’s called “brazen bleu”. Is there any news at all?

  70. - Gabriele Wolczanski 05/06/18
  71. I love this painting! Are prints available for purchase?

  72. - Jen 03/16/19
  73. Hi Rachel – I’m based in the UK and have just seen the Good Bones episode with Brazen Bleu. Are you selling prints and could you ship to the UK? Many thanks, Penny.

  74. - Penny Harrison 11/28/19
  75. Is the Brazen Bleu butterfly print available to purchase? If so, how much? Thanks

  76. - Donna Bardes 12/01/19
  77. I am Brazilian. I am watching the show right now and just loved your painting!!! I used to be an art teacher at the Architecture Universitity in Rio. Congrats!!!

  78. - angela m r azevedo 01/05/20
  79. I would also be interested in one of your butterfly prints if you are making them. Thanks!

  80. - Tanya Marie Kessler 04/16/20
  81. I feel in love with this painting while watching Good Bones. It is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  82. - Yolanda 06/23/20
  83. I would love to see what is available to purchase the Brazen Bleu Butterfly – print, lithograph or any other type.

  84. - Pam Green 06/23/20
  85. I’m interested in a print of your beautiful butterfly painting
    Please let me know if it’s available yet I’d love to find out how to purchase one
    Thank you

  86. - Debbie Patton 07/18/20
  87. I would love to purchase print of blue brazen.

  88. - KIM E BONACORSI 08/15/20
  89. I would love to have a print of the butterfly picture used in the Good Bones show. Your butterfly paintings are FANTASTIC!

  90. - Judy Sexton 08/18/20
  91. Hi. I am interested in purchasing a print of BRAZEN BLEU BUTTERFLY ABSTRACT PAINTING ON HGTV GOOD BONES! It is absolutely stunning! Please let me know the cost. Thank you.

  92. - Anisa McGuire 01/02/21
  93. Rachel, i’ve been trying to find information on the Brazen Bleu butterfly painting you did in the season 2 episode if Good Bones. Wondering if you have a print to sell? Need price and size.
    Diana Ches

  94. - Diana Ches 06/21/21

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